is it just me or?
Emily's mum
2008-05-14 10:22:43 UTC
I don't really like it when people I don't know that well (family friends, people working in my house/office) come and pretend to grab my baby, or even touch her. Don' t get me wrong I think it's important for the baby to be around a lot of different people so that she can get used to it, but sometimes it's just too much.
28 answers:
2008-05-14 10:27:20 UTC
You have every right to tell them to back off. It's your child and it's your decision. You don't have to be crazy about it, just let them know that you don't want them touching her.

I feel the same way, besides, you never know where peoples hands have been.
2008-05-14 17:30:27 UTC
I am with you. I understand people's reaction to a cute baby--of course everyone wants to touch. They are so darn cute! But they probably aren't thinking first. I know I will not want my kid grabbed by every joe schmo. Especially where I live, good hygiene and sanitization are NOT the thing among the people everyone can just plan on keeping their hands off, thank you. :) I'm not sure how to prevent that, though...saying "Don't touch my baby" can come off as paranoid and obsessive....which we moms kind of are! Maybe just plan on holding baby when you're around other people so it's obvious she's taken at the moment? Good luck. :P
2008-05-14 18:07:09 UTC
Try to remember that germs are good for them. It helps their immunity. So is socialization. So is the idea that you do not own your are only there to protect and serve. Of course I naturally feel the same way, but I fight it and it's getting easier. Now I just make sure I wash her hands regularly, especially if she's been touching people, and only because her hands go straight to her mouth and eyes.

I guess I'm a bit liberal.
2008-05-14 18:05:01 UTC
When my baby was a newborn I did not want a lot of people handling her.

I do however think some mothers try to guard germs from their baby and become obsessive about it. A baby needs some germs to develop a healthy immune system.
Lil old me
2008-05-14 18:36:53 UTC
People are just trying to be nice that's all. I wouldn't stress about it too much. I love it when my son gets showered with attention, and so does he, he thrives on it! Of course be particular about hygiene levels but unless they have been sweeping the street or cleaning up dogs mess, I think a quick cuddle and a kiss from your housekeeper isn't all that bad.
2008-05-14 18:13:25 UTC
EEEW ...I hate it! Strange old men grabbing the babies foot or whatever! Yuck! They could be anywhere and it's rude...whan I had my 1st baby I just seethed through it and never said anything...but then I started to tell people...I used to say "Dont touch her please...she doesn't know you."...people used to be taken aback but's my baby and my instincts are always right. EDIT...totally with Amanda about the hands in babies mouth Mother in LAw used to let my 3 month old stick her little hands in my MILS mouth! OMG! I was freaking inside but shy of speaking out...luckily my husband saw and said "EEW Mother...thats gross..stop it now!"
sali s
2008-05-14 17:30:16 UTC
I totally agree. One time, and I am not kidding, me, my husband, and my 9 month old son were eating at a restaurant and my son was sitting in the high chair at the end of the table. We were getting ready to go so we asked the waitress for the check. When she came over she picked my son up out of the high chair and held him. I was in such shock I just sat there looking at her. My husband didn't know what to do either, so we just stood up and I took him from her. I kind of laughed (a sort of nervous laugh) and said bye, and we left. I couldn't believe it! LOL! She didn't even ask if she could hold him! Anyway, I don't like it either.
2008-05-14 17:30:47 UTC
You're in charge of your baby. You say NO! You put a stop to it, before it happens. You say, I know you all want to grab her and touch her, but I don't want her getting any unnecessary germs, so could you just look and not touch. Put a sign up, if they don't get the message. Anyway, in your own way, let them know you don't want everyone grabbing her, thinking they have the right to, just because they want to. You have to voice your opinion, if you want to put it across, just like you did here. And it IS too much. You just want to yell, "Leave the kid alone!" Just be more assertive with your words and tone and the ideas you want to get across.
2008-05-14 17:29:33 UTC
yea, I hate that! People used to do that to my baby brother. I am a germ freak and I hate it when random ppl are like "hey, cutie!" and start like playing with them...Babies put everything in their mouth and I don't want some strangers germy hands all over my kids someday!

Yea, it's important for your baby to have interaction but sometimes crowding and being around too many people is an overload.
2008-05-14 17:28:43 UTC
When Noah was a very small baby (1-6mths), everyone wanted to touch his hair! Complete strangers in the grocery store, even the cashiers, wanted to pat him. I couldn't stand it. Really, why would you pat someone else's baby that you don't even know! So within a short amount of time I came to can look but please don't touch :) I said it in a very nice calm tone and everyone smiled and then complimented Noah on his "extreme" hair style. It was very similar to Donald Trumps!
2008-05-14 19:59:35 UTC
i hate it too. some stinky old woman on the buss with her rotting nails trying to smile and touch my baby. sorry lady... i just kind of pull him away from people if necessary. they get the idea. it's a bit harder if it's someone you kind of know though. if you get really uncomfortable just tell them she doesn't like it when strangers (well anyone that isn't you or her dad) touch her. that's quite common with babies so you wont look so bad.
2008-05-14 17:29:42 UTC
I know how you feel. We went to a garage sale last weekend and one of the women there looked at my daughter and said "I can take you! Come here sweetie." My daughter didn't go, she's not fond of strangers as it is(11 mos old), and thank goodness for that. I would never try to grab a baby that isn't mine!
Who am I?
2008-05-14 17:28:29 UTC
Is this a question?

If people are bothering your baby then pick her up and place your arms in such a way to let people know not to touch. Otherwise don't bring her around the office or other large gathering.
2008-05-14 17:55:11 UTC
I does make me cringe sometimes when other people are holding my baby son and he doesn't look very happy about it. The thing I detest is when someone has just been smoking and you can smell it on them and they come near my baby!!!
2008-05-14 17:30:29 UTC
I hate that I had this lady that I didn't know ask if she could hold my son! Uh yeah freaking right I was not about to let a complete stranger hold my kid. And why is it that older people think it is ok to stick their fingers in the baby's mouth GROSS!!!
2008-05-14 20:09:26 UTC
I've only experienced it from a stranger once & my daughter screamed blue murder lol

I am very protective of my daughter so don't appreciate strangers trying to manhandle her. she's now at the age where she doesn't like strangers anyway & prefers those she recognizes.
2008-05-15 08:10:22 UTC
nope not just you, it makes me so angry can you believe a lady had the cheek to come up to my baby in the supermarket the other day and touch his hand!!!
Awesome Rockin Mom
2008-05-14 17:49:13 UTC
it bugs me depending on the person.

it is very important for the baby to be well socialized, but its completely different, when strangers try to grab your child

its fine if strangers want to look at my son, but thankfully no one has tryed to grab him. and if they did, believe me id make a scene.
2008-05-14 17:28:17 UTC
Who is pretending to grab your baby? Do you live in a mime colony?

I understand what you are feeling though. I think it is just built into us to want to protect our babies. I used to hate it when casual acquantances or employees would try to hold my son. The bottom line is that if you don't trust them, don't let them.
LP's Mommy, RN
2008-05-14 17:27:25 UTC
Huh? Pretend to grab your baby? I dont believe thats ever happened to my child.
2008-05-14 17:27:41 UTC
Everyone must think she's cute!! :-D If someone gets too "touchy", though, just ask them politely to back off because they're upseting the baby.
2008-05-14 17:28:15 UTC
What do you mean to PRETEND to grab? Maybe you are being too protective, what the heck are they going to do to your child? IF anything did happen, I'm sure you could just kick their butt or press charges.

Oh Germs...well. Yeah, I see now. Tell them to stop. ;-)
2008-05-14 17:27:17 UTC
I think it would be good manners for them to ask first
2008-05-14 18:24:07 UTC
they shouldnt just grab your baby....
2008-05-14 17:26:43 UTC
no one will be touching my baby without sanitizing thier hands first, yeah, you're not crazy, don't let strangers touch your baby. Safety first.
2008-05-14 17:43:32 UTC
i feel the same. it was the same when i was pregnant, people thought they were at liberty to rub my bump (wtf?!)
2008-05-14 17:27:52 UTC
AGREED! I hate it!
2008-05-14 17:28:47 UTC
so you dont know your own family??

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