2008-04-22 06:53:35 UTC
She is currently sleeping around 10 hours at night but not going to bed until 11pm-ish.
We have managed to get her to go off to sleep much better by resorting to a pacifier and laying down next to her. All though this is not a great solution it is better than hours of literally screaming that lasted for months until we were able to manage it this current way.
I can not allow her to cry it out, as she becomes hysterical and makes her self sick. So that is no longer an optional method for us.
She is tossing and turning as she tries to fall a sleep,
could is be teething? some sort of discomfort?
She is still waking every 3-4 hours for breastfeeding in the night.
any thoughts would be apreciated...
should we just let her be?, and accept that maybe this IS her routine.