Sack the social workers involved, revoke their qualifications, and print their names, photos and addresses in national and their local newspapers.
Sack the doctor, revoke her qualifications, and print her name, photo and address in national and local newspapers in her area.
Sack the council department head and relevant councillors, etc etc
Shame these people utterly for their homicidally negligent stupidity and incompetence.
And if a mob mentality develops, and they are hounded from their homes, then they will at last perhaps begin to understand a bit of the fear that they allowed that little boy to feel EVERY DAY OF HIS LIFE.
I used to live in Haringey, up until 2007. What did I pay my council tax for? So these know-nothing lazy idiots could have nice secure jobs without having to do any work?
I am so angry!!!!!!!!!