Breastmilk is the best. If you can do solely that, do it.
My son was like that for months and months and months. He was a glutten and ate very quickly and when he'd burp, up would come(what seemed like) all the milk he just drank. I bet your daughter is like my son. I highly doubt it's an allergy, but you can talk to your doctor to make sure.
What I would do:
Feed her small amounts..not even a full ounce, and then offer a burp, then feed a little more, and so on. Make sure all the gas and air is up so it wont force so much milk back up. She'll likely cry because she is hungry. ALSO, a lot of times the problem is gas. Babies cry hard 'cause they have gas and u may mistake the gas pain cry for hungry still..which is not always the case, and then u put more milk in her system and then there's more pain and more tears and more projectile.
Gas drop never worked for my son. Nothing did. Sometimes a warm bath will help relieve the gas if she has any, and a warm bath can do nothing only make her feel good.
Good luck with this. Reading what you write brings back memories... :)