OK, after my questions yesterday, we totally stopped the formula. My wife has breast fed or pumped gave bottle breast milk all day. Baby is a crying wreck. No poop today really. We tried another suppository when I got home from work and she pooped just enough to spit the supp out. All day long my wife has to hold her. Over the last 3 hrs I have been holding her to give my wife a break and she tries to fall asleep and you see her tense up and belt out a cry you wouldnt believe. I have been calling it "the Joker cry". Her chin is chattering and she is crying like she's being abused. I literally closed the windows in the house she's been so loud. WTH!!! She's two weeks old and I can not get an answer as to how to help my kid. It's starting to piss me off/ware me out. I had my wife call the pedi line again and we are taking her back tomorrow yet again. I am not leaving there with a "this is normal" again. It's NOT. Something is wrong here. She is going through something. I can't seem to help her. Her stomach feels like a rock. Oh, she'll tense up and make a terrible face and release a fart. We have given her Mylicon(Sp?) drops...some GRIPE water and it's doing nothing. I am almost ready to take her to the ER. I can not stand this. Please give me some advice to make this easier on us.