Baby saga Pt.2.....I need ya?
2009-06-04 17:38:22 UTC
OK, after my questions yesterday, we totally stopped the formula. My wife has breast fed or pumped gave bottle breast milk all day. Baby is a crying wreck. No poop today really. We tried another suppository when I got home from work and she pooped just enough to spit the supp out. All day long my wife has to hold her. Over the last 3 hrs I have been holding her to give my wife a break and she tries to fall asleep and you see her tense up and belt out a cry you wouldnt believe. I have been calling it "the Joker cry". Her chin is chattering and she is crying like she's being abused. I literally closed the windows in the house she's been so loud. WTH!!! She's two weeks old and I can not get an answer as to how to help my kid. It's starting to piss me off/ware me out. I had my wife call the pedi line again and we are taking her back tomorrow yet again. I am not leaving there with a "this is normal" again. It's NOT. Something is wrong here. She is going through something. I can't seem to help her. Her stomach feels like a rock. Oh, she'll tense up and make a terrible face and release a fart. We have given her Mylicon(Sp?) drops...some GRIPE water and it's doing nothing. I am almost ready to take her to the ER. I can not stand this. Please give me some advice to make this easier on us.
Eight answers:
2009-06-04 18:12:16 UTC
For some reason, when my daughter gets really gassy (she's 7 weeks old today), I can run a warm bath and bring her in with me, and it helps to release the gas. Also, rubbing her back while she is sitting up on my knee helps alot too.

Switching in between breast milk to formula, and back will also cause stomach problems such as gas, and possibly even diarrhea. I would stop with the suppositories until after the Dr's appointment tomorrow. My daughter went 3 days without pooping at 2 weeks, and she was fine. She had a nasty over flowing diaper when she did go, but you could look at her poop and see the formula and breast milk poop. It was green, with the yellow seeds in it... really "great" smelling too.

Voice your concerns to the pediatrician, and let her/him know that if they do not take your concerns seriously, then you will be looking for a different doctor - one who listens to you!
N and A's Momma
2009-06-04 17:45:06 UTC
First of all both you and your wife need to calm down. I don't say that to sound mean but your little girl can sense your frustration and it's making things harder on her.

If her belly is rock hard then it's gas that she cannot release. Lay her down on her back and gently push her knees up to her chest or do bicycle kicks with each leg. This should help in releasing the gas. Also try rubbing her belly with a warm washcloth to help her relax. After you've done this swaddle her in a blanket and offer a bottle and rock her. Hopefully she will be relaxed enough to fall asleep.

If your pediatrician isn't helping definitely seek another opinion. Constant, all day, crying is NOT normal and it does mean something is wrong so your concerns should not be dismissed. Good luck, I hope things get better.
2009-06-04 17:52:12 UTC
It sounds like your daughter has colic. Colic means she has a lot of gas. Try moving her legs back and forth like riding a bike. It might help bringing up gas. Colic usually lasts for a couple of months. My first son had colic I change his formula and that helped a lot. Your wife is breastfeeding so make sure she is not eating a lot of gassy foods,because it affects the baby during breastfeeding. Usually infant drops like Mylicon helps. I wish you the best of luck With your new baby. It will take a lot of patience. I know its hard I went through it too.

I have 6 children, 5 boys and 1 toddler girl.
2009-06-05 12:16:17 UTC
The suppositories don't weaken the colon!

Next time you put one in her, a) make sure it goes in as far as possible, and b) hold your finger over her butthole so you can stop her from expelling it prematurely (at least 2 mins, preferably 5, to ensure it starts dissolving and drawing water into the rectum). So long as you do that, it should empty her bowels of doodoo next time.
2009-06-04 18:14:55 UTC
ok so i read ur question from yesterday and this one... i just had a problem w/my 5month old being constipated so hopefully i can help...

all the iron is whats constipating her... and when i had my daughter i could only breastfeed for almost 2months, she pooped like 7times a day w/just breastmilk but when i switched her to formula[the hospital gave me similac] she would spit it up and poop once every couple days...i asked her doc n he said it was normal...i dont think its normal cuz the same amount of stuff is goin in but all of a sudden isnt comin out...well i switched her to good start[the orange can] n she was fine she'd poop twice a day like clockwork, then got constipated again so i switched her to good start gentle formula protect plus and give her an extra 2-3ounces of water[so 2scoops of formula + 4ounces of water and then + another 2ounces of water] the extra water helps get things movin...also putting like a teaspoon of kayro syrup in her bottles helped alooot. i gave it to her twice 2wks ago n havent had a problem since... also i have a friend thats a doctor in natural medicine and she does acupuncture n stuff and she came over and showed me some things to do. like u can rub up n down on her legs[on her shin bones] if u feel little bumps its a sign of constipation but just rub ur thumbs on them w/alil bit of pressure. and u can hold her like over ur shoulder and rock her sacrum[tailbone] in a clockwise motion, if the poops backed up the rocking helps ease it out. and u can also take the heel of ur palm and put it just under her belly button and push down slightly and do clockwise motions[dont rub in circular motions though, keep the heel of ur palm in the same spot]... hopefully somethin can help

but the suppositories actually weaken the colon...

and if ur wife's pumping milk why are u feeding her the formula? is she producing enough milk? when my daughter was 2wks old i fed her 1 1/2 ounces of breastmilk every 2hrs n she was fine...[everyone told me that wasnt enough]
2009-06-04 17:45:45 UTC
Maybe shes constipated and its hurting her to go? This happend to my friends baby. Or maybe your baby has gas that she cant get out. Make a point to tell the doctors shes not pooping much. Im sorry, good luck, and congrats! =]
2016-05-24 11:21:10 UTC
Not Telly, although he was so cool who knows it could've been fun! ;D Ahhh Kojak now that was real tv entertainment and Hawaii five-O too! bq: My bella Italiana :)
2009-06-04 17:49:14 UTC
She sounds constipated.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.