2011-08-19 21:23:39 UTC
We already gave 30 days notice to our apt landlord and are expected to move to our house by end of this month.
Today, I was cleaning up the house when I discovered what looked to be about 500 mouse droppings behind an old kitchen stove and also found another 500 mouse droppings on top of an old water heater. I cleaned them up but am concerned.
The problem is that my wife is to give birth in three weeks and the landlord told us he already found another tenant to move in to our apt. And we can't afford to get another place nor have any relatives or friends near-by.
Question is, do you think it's safe for our soon-to-be born baby son and my wife health-wise to move in and live in this house? Any negative health effects to them because of 1,000 rat droppings throughout the house & maybe 100 or more hiding rats?
I've bought bunch of rat-traps today & hoping for the best. I didn't buy any rat poison as I don't want rats to die behind walls.