I hate the argument "that is how it was always done!" You can't tell me that there weren't women before us, in the thousands of years before pain control became available, that would have KILLED for an epidural.
On homebirths...yes, I realize it's a personal decision, and the majority of people who have decided to go through with it have support from a midwife...HOWEVER, I wouldn't feel comfortable laboring anywhere but at a hospital. Today's medical community is not the evil witch the way some people believe. In the split-second problems that can occur during labor, sometimes having a doctor (and an OR) nearby can save your life AND your child's. I had an emergency c-section and my son would most likely not be alive right now if I hadn't already been at the hospital when everything went to hell. IT IS, however, necessary to have a birthing plan and discuss with your doctor the kind of labor and birth that you want.
On co-sleeping, my pediatrician advises against it. The odds of smothering your child accidentally in your sleep are actually very large, no matter how 'light' a sleeper you are. The safest way to co-sleep is with a bassinet attached to the bed or a 'co-sleeping' box. And the baby should not sleep with a sibling, because I don't know about anyone else's children, but my kids sleep like rocks and wouldn't realize that they were laying on top of the baby.
On breastfeeding: it's a personal decision. I for one bottle-feed and am tired of being looked down on for this. Bonding with your child does not begin and end with breastfeeding. If that's the only bond you have with your child, then you have your own problems. If you choose to breastfeed, great! If you don't, great. Do what's right for your family.
On homeschooling: sometimes it's just the right answer. I know many kids in my area who were home-schooled, and played sports at the high school in order to fulfill their phys ed requirements. Most of those kids (if not all, I can't really remember) went on to go to great colleges.