If you're getting engorged, slow down the weaning process. I would keep two nursing sessions for a while longer. That was how I ended with all my kids -- morning and night, and I felt like I could continue that indefinitely because it was so easy.
To be honest, there's no reason that you *have* to wean just because she's one. The WHO recommends nursing until age 2 and beyond, and there are lots of great reasons to nurse a toddler. I found it to be especially helpful when they get colds or stomach bugs because you never have to worry about dehydration as long as they're nursing. Plus, you know they're getting a bit of added nutrition if their eating is a bit erratic.
My oldest weaned fully at 14 months (when I was 6 months pregnant with baby #2). My middle child was still nursing frequently until her 2nd birthday, and she was fully weaned at 2 1/2 (when I was 6 months pregnant with baby #3). My youngest was down to just one nursing session a day by his 3rd birthday, but he kept that one until he was 4 1/2. I truly never expected to be nursing a 4-year-old, but we took things one day at a time, and there we were. Yes, there were days that I was ready to be done, but in general, it was a great way to end the day and an easy way to settle him for bed. I think my husband was also weirded out by me nursing a toddler at first (as were some of our friends/family), but as my kids grew and they turned out to be okay, everyone realized that it was fine and normal.
If it helps, tell your husband that Michael Jordan was breastfed until he was 3. :-)
Obviously, if you're ready to wean, go ahead and do so. I just wanted to offer some support in case you decide you (and your daughter) aren't quite done.
More info on weaning...
And info on nursing toddlers...